To enable the pendulum grinding / eroding option in ProfDie the following values have to be added to PPFanuc.INI file.
[Parameter]; Technologie-Register-Bereich, der für das Pendelschleifen der Rundschlifffase benutzt wird; In Technologiebearbeitungsfolge müssen diese Register wie unten angegeben verwendet werden;; Technology register range for technologies used for pendulum grinding of round grinding chamfer; These technologies have to be added to the ProfDia technology for pendulum grindingPendelschleif_regnr_anf=199Pendelschleif_regnr_end=202; Schrittweite/Intervall für Pendelbewegung entlang der Kontur;; width for one pendulum movement along the profileSchrittlaenge=0.05; Fasenhöhe für Überschwenken an Plattenoberseite;; chamfer height for swinging over at top of plateFasenueberlaufoben=0.2; ; Fasenhöhe für Berechnung des Schwenkwinkels an der Fase;; chamfer height for calculating the swivel angle at the chamfer Fasenbreiteunten=0.8
The technology registers need to be added to a technology inside ProfDia
It’s important to have a constant feedrate along the profile
Create Program in ProfDia - Step 1
First the diameter offset needs to be determined using a CAD system.
Tool Radius
Height for Chamfer
Radial Relief Angle
The 20° radial relief angle are drawn below the 0.4mm chamfer area on the fly circle.
The relief surface is tangentialy extended to the PCD surface.
The calculated radius offset for this tool example is 0.138mm => 0.276mm diameter offset
Highlighted in green is the surface which will be removed by the selected round grinding approach
Create Program in ProfDia - Step 2
Create the cutting profile as needed on regular radius (in example radius 10mm)
Create Program in ProfDia - Step 3
Add a new project to ProfDia and import the drawing
Add the cutting profile as main profile for probing and cutting with the desired radial relief angle
Open Enter additional parameters
set the diamter offset to the previously calculated value (here 0.276mm)
When a value > 0.2mm can not be entered, the limit for fine adjustment has to be increased in IMCSDIA.INI file. Set the value to 0.5 or higher
Add the profile for round grinding
No diameter offset
No relief angles
Save the profile
Back in Profile Section Management:
Make the RoundGrinding profile a sub profile of the cutting edge profile
Disable measuring for the RoundGrinding profile
Now measure and cut the tool as usual.
Caveats for Pendulum Grinding / Eroding approach
Machining of a round grinding chamfer using the pendulum grinding / eroding methods could be time consuming. For smaller tool batches this is a good option. When it comes to optimization of machining times a special machine for machining round grinding chamfers should be considered to be used
The machine needs to be very well prepared
Technologies need to be adjusted and tested prior to receive good results