Common advices

  • If possible only use lines and arcs for drawing the DXF files for use with ProfDia(F)
  • Only add the relevant information to the DXF file which will be imported into ProfDia, otherwise the import may fail, or identifying the profile will be more complicated
  • If there are overlapping profiles (e.g. same profile on different teeth in different length), put each profile for a tooth on a single layer in the DXF file
  • avoid profile overlapping due to inaccurate geometry connections
  • Export the DXF as an ASCII DXF File with version ACAD upto 2020

Alignment of the profile

The profile has to be aligned as shown in the picture above. The front side of the tool has to be at X=0.0 The radius/diameter of the profile has to be drawn on the correct radius in Y

So a 10mm cutter would have it’s profile drawn on Y=5.0

Right- and Left turning tools

All tools in ProfDia have to be drawn like right turning tools (also check the picture above). The turning direction can be toggled using a switch inside the ProfDia main view.

If the tool is configured to be a left turning tool, ProfDia automatically mirrors the positions of the measuring points as well as the profile to cut.